Unique Landscapes will generally only offer a 30-day warranty on plants and/or 90-day warranty on trees due to the fact that many things (that are out of our control) can happen to plants & trees over the course of our two-year workmanship warranty. Unique takes pride in our warranty programs, and our methods of installation, and we can usually accommodate our clients with longer warranties under special conditions, where improper installation has occurred, transplant shock, or excessive heat/cold. Unique mainly wants the client to understand that we install LIVE plant material, and after installation – there are many things that can happen that cause plants / tree to die. Unique will honor a longer warranty on plants – given that there were improper installation methods. The following is a list of items that may happen that are not covered under warranty (as you can see, after 30-days & 90-days – there is very little we have done to cause our plants to die):
- Excessive Heat
- Over or Under-Fertilization (may cause fertilizer burn, or mal-nutrition)
- Clogged Drip Emitters (failure to maintain sprinkler system)
- Rabbits/Javelina/Critters (failure to protect plant)
- Disease or Fungus (usually from over-watering)
- Over-watering (may cause fungus or root-rot)
- Under-watering
- Natural Death (some plants just die)
- Excessive Cold (freeze damage)