Water Balance Guidelines – This simple chart provides a concise outline of pool water tests, frequencies and what to expect if levels are too high or too low.
Water Chemistry – If you forgot what you learned in Chemistry class, this guide will be a refresher course! This highly detailed guide will allow you to understand the science behind your pool water and how to keep it healthy. Detailed tables clearly define quantities needed to get your pool water chemistry to where it needs to be.
IntelliChlor™ Electrolytic Cell Acid Cleaning Kit Instructions – The IntelliChlor electrolytic cell must be acid cleaned if excessive scale formation between the plates or debris is present.
IntelliChlor IG – This document describes how to maintain the IntelliChlor Electronic Chlorine Generator. (Please see page 27, “User Maintenance”)
Monthly Maintenance Tips – Learn how to keep things running smoothly.