Bubbling Rocks
One of the newer features to be found in many landscape designs is the bubbling rock feature. This is kind of a way to add a new twist to an old favorite. Natural stone water features have be a favorite for many years. But growing concerns about water safety caused many homeowners to reconsider installation of a water feature in areas that children might be able to access unsupervised. However, many of the new bubbling rock features are designed in such a way that they eliminate the recirculating pond with standing water which could pose a danger to a small child. The latest designs are using rock filled basins or ponds so that the water filters down through the rocks to be recirculated. This eliminates the standing water in a pond type structure and the danger to a small child who could easily fall into that water.
These UNIQUE bubbling rock water features can be designed to any scale that you desire and can also incorporate a variety of materials. Large boulder provide a big impact when you see the water simply appearing from the rock and then flowing down into the rock below. Smaller features can be designed to provide just a small amount of water bubbling up from a pile of river rocks and then disappearing into the smaller stones which surround them.
Ask your UNIQUE design professional how a bubbling rock water feature could become a UNIQUE focal point for your landscape design.